15 marraskuuta 2016

JOY & FUN linkup 25

This week Flower Wednesday breaks the rules!
You are free to share any posts and photos that bring you 
these dark and cold winter days! No need to be florals!

I'll share two of my newest digital drawings 'Winter Scenery' and 'Window Mosaic'. 

And then some flower stuff...

Stachys macrantha is not exactly my favourite plant.
I think it looks a bit messy and spreads like hell - but it is a good choice in difficult conditions.

Tervetuloa! - Welcome!

Linkup 1 & the rules.

❤︎ Thank you so much for joining ❤︎

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.
Follow my blog with Bloglovin

10 kommenttia:

  1. Dear Riitta!
    I'm in love with your photos.
    They are delightful.

  2. Hei Hei Riitta, you're digital drawing pictures are so beautiful - the first is my favourite.
    And the flowers are from summer I think?

    We haven't snow yet, but it's raining all over the day and it's grey in grey.
    Greetings from Germany

  3. Heips! Osallistuin vuoristokuvilla, koska vuoret nyt vain ovat niin ihania. :)
    Todella mielenkiintoisia nuo sinun digitaaliset kollaasisi!
    Mukavaa keskiviikkoiltaa!

  4. Deine digitalen 'Winterlandschaften' sind fantastisch!!
    LG Christiane

  5. Flotte digitale bilder,
    men dine ekte blomsterbilder er enda finere :)

    Fin onsdag !

  6. Sensory overload on your latest posts :-)
    [As good as chocolates but less fattening]

    I linked the wrong post earlier.

  7. Hello Riitta,
    Such wonderful mix of digital drawings and floral pictures! so lovely and colorful mosaics and so nice to have this idea of sharing on the topic of "joy & fun", whatever it can be in these winter days. Many thanks and a very good weekend, too!

  8. The purples are so pretty! I can see how your photos would make you happy and joyful. Nice work!

  9. Hi Riitta,
    a wonderful idea and fabulous photos.
    Best, Synnöve

  10. Your photos of Stachys macrantha are beautiful! It may not be your favourite but it looks gorgeous!


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